on Saturday 20 July 2013
In the ancient times it was very difficult for the information sought, why??? since time immemorial there has been no such thing as the Internet. People used to just do it the manual way information exchange. It's only share knowledge with each other.

Over time changes finally found the net. With the internet so people can more easily exchange information. With the information will make it easier to get those more advanced. Information is very valuable. Everyone can do something because there is information to do so. Just like people, computers can also do something because there is information from the computer memory. 

Information can impact negatively or positively, depending on our use. information circulating in the world may be approaching the limit of infinite, therefore we should be able to filter out which information is good and which is bad.This information is changing people's lives, now many people whose lives turn out to be much better because the information is valuable for his life.

In many facilities to support information exchange in this era makes a man can find the information very numerous. Therefore, it can be ascertained that the information is very useful and beautiful if we use it well. therefore an information society should be able to use the information held in order to be more useful.


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